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SEO Appleton | Search Engine Optimization in Appleton

So you're looking for a top-notch SEO firm in Appleton?

At the risk of sounding stupid, may I ask a question? How did you find yourself searching for an SEO company?

I mean, do you really want an SEO firm or are you actually looking for a company that can deliver new prospects and fresh leads for you and your sales team?

If it's the latter, then you've arrived at the right site! You see, at FetchLocalCustomers we're experts at SEO and we're also smart enough to realize that Search Engine Optimization is not a complete strategy.

Fetch Local Customers Process

We've been researching, optimizing and tracking customer results since 2008. And this hard work has evolved into a lead generation and prospect fetching process that consistently works in virtually all markets and industries.

Say Goodbye to Scams

I'm sure you get the same e-mail and voice broadcasting spam from companies both here and abroad who purport to be able to get you on Page One of Google.

Frankly, so what!?

You see, as previously mentioned Search Engine Optimization is just one piece of the puzzle and will not markedly improve your lead generation by itself-- assuming it's even done correctly by one of these fly-by-night firms!

Local SEO, when done correctly, increases the amount of highly targeted traffic your website - a positive first step. When done incorrectly Local Search Engine Optimization will tie up your sales and customer service folks with unqualified visitors who just aren't a good fit for your business. And unfortunately this will increase your cost to serve, not generate additional profits.

Unfortunately, this is just the 1st hurdle. SEO firms just don't have marketing expertise. Rather, they are techie firms whose passion is getting down in the weeds of coding and algorithms and whose expertise falls woefully short in the more important aspects of lead generation marketing and advertising.

What you're really looking for is a company with a proven process and track record of working with companies like yours to consistently generate new sales leads and new sales opportunities. Correct? Then an online marketing and advertising firm who uses SEO as one of the tools in their overall plan is what you need for success.

In short, you need a company like FetchLocalCustomers. We are experts at delivering new prospects, new leads, and as our name suggests, new customers for local businesses identical to yours.

Give us a call, at 888 - 505 - 6162 or e-mail us directly at customerservice@FetchLocalCustomers.com

Together, we will be able to determine in 15 minutes whether or not our process is a good fit for your company or not. If we're not, we'll part as friends and we'll do whatever we can to send you to the appropriate resources.

If we're a good fit, we can discuss next steps, timelines and budgets.

Sound fair?

Give us a call, at 888 - 505 - 6162 or e-mail us directly at customerservice@FetchLocalCustomers.com

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